Indianapolis PHCC note from President
Dear Fellow GIPHCC Members and Friends,
The rain held off for our annual golf outing at Eagle Creek Golf course. We had some teams that played very well and then there were some who were glad to put the clubs away for another year. Congratulations to Dick Poynter on receiving our Contractor Of The Year Award. We wish you a speedy recovery from your illness last spring and hope to see you on the course next year. The day ended with a very nice meal and lots of raffle prize give-a-ways. One lucky winner walked away with a $450 cash prize. A huge thank you to all those who helped make this event spectacular. Especially our event sponsors and raffle prize contributors. Without you this event would not be possible!
This month is our Indiana PHCC State Convention September 13-14 at French Lick Springs Hotel and Convention Center. This will be a "must attend" event for those business owners and managers who want to learn specific strategies that will help your business grow and prosper. Contact Brenda Dant at 317-575-9292 for more information.
Mark your calendars for our October 17th and November 14th business luncheons at Primos South. The speakers and discussion topics will help prepare you for the upcoming new year. Stay on course with your business and take advantage of all the networking and social events coming up. Spread the word... your local GIPHCC is busy working for you!
See you at the next event!
Jamie Carter
Greater Indianapolis PHCC
Now that 2016 has passed, we are full throttle into 2017. This is a grand time to reflect on lessons learned, errors made and successful achievements. The New Year is a time to devote energy on developing our business skills.
Begin your process by becoming a member of the GIPHCC, and if you are currently a member, I challenge you to get involved. Strive for higher achievements by utilizing the resources available through the GIPHCC. Working together as a team member of the GIPHCC, you will have resources available to achieve higher objectives.
This year we are excited about the upcoming events. We have a list of great speakers who will provide valuable information. The first speaker is Troy Carson with Vectren Energy. Troy will be speaking on an overview of natural gas and damage prevention on the 18th of January.
Make 2017 a great year,
Bill Fite
Fite Plumbing
GIPHCC President
Happy New Year. Check out our January issue.