Subpage Hero - Plumbing, Indiana PHCC

GIPHCC Upcoming Meetings

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Mar 12, 2015

Jan. 20, Andy Smith and/or Denny Smith, 2nd generation, transitioning the business
Feb. 17, Current Health Care legislation, Federated Ins.
March 9, Vendors Fair
April 20, Associates' Appreciation Night, dinner meeting
May 19, GIPHCC golf outing, Eagle Creek
June 16 (Thursday), baseball game/picnic, Pawtucket Red Sox  5:15 picnic time
July/August no GIPHCC meeting
Sept 23, Indiana PHCC State Convention, Belterra Resort

Past meeting photos and news:


Congratulations to new Esprit de Corp Hall of Fame winners:  Gary Bynum, Mike Kavanaugh, and Steve Richards of Plumbers Supply Indianapolis.

Upcoming Meetings:

July/August - No Meetings
Sept 18 - Indiana PHCC State Convention
Oct. 21 - TBA
Nov. 18 - TBA

Thanks to everyone who made our Vendor Fair on March 11th a success.  Check out the pictures:



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