Subpage Hero - Plumbing, Indiana PHCC

May 15, 2014 Golf Outing Results

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May 16, 2014

On a cold May 15th, the fearless GIPHCC golfers set out to have a great day of fun and friendship.  The putting contest $10 prizes went to Brian Lebo, Dave Seamon , and Dave Nance.  Closest to the Pin was won by Wayne Williams.  Longest drive honors went to Jim Curry, Jim Barry, and Joe Anthis.  First prize team was the Barry team: Joe Rosinski, Brad Beeson, Mike Thayer, and Jim Barry.  Second place was the Wahl's Custom Plumber's team of Adam Wahl, Jeff Grey, Brett Gard, and Miggy Cabrera. Last place was Par None: Dave Heffner, Dave Nance, Keith Smith, and Brad Crawford.

We truly couldn't have done it without your help and support. The following companies helped make the day a resounding success:

Central Supply:  the luncheon and 2 beverage carts

Restorex: awards presentation and Closest to the Pin

Plumbers Supply:Longest Drive and Putting contests

Hole Sponsors:  Ciriello Plumbing, MMI, Rocchio Kiley Insurance, Indianapolis WinSupply, Citizens Energy Group, Aspinall Associates, Inc., Ashworth-Train, Federated Insurance, JEBCCO Marketing, Co.

Flag sponsors:  Winthrop Supply, Diversified Sales Group, Heffner Plumbing, P-M & Associates, K2 Plumbing, Central Supply, Plumbers Supply

Flag/hole sponsors:  Viega, Schuler Plumbing, Ferguson Enterprises, Spears Manufacturing, Barry Co., Benjamin Franklin Plumbing, P.I.P.E.

Teams:  Indianapolis WinSupply (4 teams), Winthrop Supply, Carter's My Plumber, Wahl's Custom Plumbing, Plumbers Supply, Ferguson Enterprises, TOP Marketing, Aspinall Associates, Inc., P.I.P.E., Citizens Energy Group, Barry Co., Lee Supply, Central Supply, Farm Bureau Insurance, Par None, Federated Insurance, and Amerestore.

Additional thanks go to Dye's Walk; Joe and Todd, the beverage cart drivers; Amerestore and Becky Adams for the great prizes and tv.

Also a heartfelt thank you to retired board member Vicki Garrett for all her help organizing and spearheading this yearly event.


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